Thursday, March 5, 2015

Intro to Tamil Religion!

Hi there guys..

            This blog is meant for people out there who wants to know about real religion practiced by the ancient Tamils who lived on this planet ever since the birth of Indus Valley approximately 6000 years ago. Yeah.. I heard u.. That’s a very long time. This blog is also meant to reveal answers to the questions been running through back of your minds. Are you a born Indian? Are you practicing ‘Hinduism’?


We are no strangers to these common bedtime stories that our folks used tell us. Our Gods live as a family in a place called Kailayam, just like in the  ‘Thiruvilaiyaadal’ old Tamil movie introduction. Kailayam is a place surrounded by mountain covered with ice, and in the middle there would be a ice bench where Lord shiva sitting on it, Lord Umaiyal/Sakthi starts her dialog with ‘Swaami..!’. Not forgetting their two kids, Lord Ganesha/ Vinayagar the eldest son with elephant head and Lord Murugan with his peacock, the second and their never-ending fights exactly as kids at our houses.  When I was a kid, my grandma never fails to describe the Kailayam in detail. I loved the part when she says about the ‘Bootha Kananggal’ who are the fat human figures with vampy teeth, wearing Hawaiian skirts. Their duty is to dance, usher and entertain Lord Shiva.


Growing up hearing these Puranas and Stories I always wondered how many Gods are there in our religion? Then one day I asked my dad about it and he said I could find answer for this from our ancient scriptures Siddhaanda Saivam. Thirumoolar a saint who is also the author of the thirumanthiram scripture quotes, “ondre kulam, oruvane Thevan” which means ‘People are one and the God is only one’. Hmm.. Then why are these many Gods story are being very popular among people? Well the stories and puranas did not really impress me in this modern world too.

Thus, These motivated me to discover new things and made me to do more research. Siddhaandha Saivam says the omnipotent or the Supreme Being on its primitive stage was said as ‘sivam’. This ‘sivam’ is not a name of god. ‘si’ and ‘va’ letters in Tamil are the short forms of the characters of God such as ‘Sirappu’ and ‘Vanappu’. So, Lord Shiva is not just the name of the god with tigers skin wardrobe but the word expresses the supreme beings character. This is as exactly as how we acknowledge ‘Prime Minister’ as ‘PM’. I will later on explain the term ‘Sirappu’ and ‘Vanappu’ in my future articles. A Saint Manivasagar also states ‘oruruvam ornaamam endru ondrum ilaarku’. This elaborates that the Supreme Being does not have figure or form neither name.  This proofs as I mentioned earlier Lord Shiva does not point at any specific lord alone.

The Supreme Being in its primitive stage had no form or name. With mercy upon the souls to understand the existence of God, the Supreme Being portrayed itself trough three levels of form such as  ‘uruvam’ (figure), ‘aruvuruvam’ (semi-figure), ‘aruvam’ (figureless). In between this process, the Supreme Being showcases itself as Lord shiva, Lord Umaiyal/Shakti, Lord Ganesha/ Vinayagar or Lord Murugan. All other forms apart from these are also included in these categories too. That’s all for this episode.. In the coming episodes lets know more about each and every form in detail..

Thanks a lot for reading.. Please feel free to leave a comment or any questions u want to ask. Add me also in my social media sites.. my videos will be up soon..

‘Menmai kol saiva neethi, vilangguga ulagam ellam.. ’

Agalya Darma


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